September 15th, 2023

New Features

Titan Web

SmartV OTP Widget

You can now set up a custom OTP that integrates with Salesforce or other third-party apps that provide OTP services. An OTP is a temporary, randomly generated numeric or alphanumeric code typically sent to a user’s mobile device or email address.

Please get in touch with your CS manager for more information on how to use Titan’s SmartV OTP widget.

Bug Fixes

Titan Web

We improved the styling of the file upload element.

There was a bug on the element’s search functionality that didn’t show the badge counter widget when searching for “counter.” Our team fixed it.

We added protection when exporting Debug data using Firefox

We fixed a bug where the focus on mandatory fields didn’t work correctly after validation was done.

There was a bug on the Configure Custom JS Variable functionality. Our team resolved it.

We added protection when sending an invalid file type via email. The email will still be sent, but the attachment will be removed.

We added an error message that will show when an unsupported file is added to the image element.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-42.png

We updated the links to the support articles for custom variables. Read more about custom variables.

There was a bug when configuring the tooltip mapping on a power table. Our team fixed this.

When the file upload element has the file upload variant styling option “standard,” the On Attach Action didn’t work. We resolved this bug.

Titan Ecommerce

We fixed a bug that occurred when selecting and then changing parent and child attributes.

Titan Platform

When creating a new case, users could only select Titan Web products. We have expanded the list to include all project types. Projects created with Titan Forms 1.0 will only be shown in the list if DocGen has been enabled. If DocGen has not been enabled, there will be a notification: “Forms 1.0 has been deprecated. Titan no longer provides support for Forms 1.0. Please migrate to Forms 2.0 or Web.”

We fixed an issue where you could not delete the document submissions from Titan Sign Wizard in the Titan Dashboard. Read more about how to navigate your projects.

There was a bug on Log Settings where the messages that were shown when changes were made were not correct. This was a cosmetic issue and has been fixed. Read more about log settings.

Users were not able to edit SSO settings. We added the ability to do that without revoking and reauthenticating the SSO. Read more about how to configure SSO.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-83.png

We fixed a cosmetic UI issue on the Mail Settings interface.

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