November 25th, 2022

New Features

Titan Web

Payment - Tranzila Enhancement

Tranzila offers credit card billing and control solutions. We added the following options to Tranzila payments:

Submission - Delete Method

We added the option to delete a submission. Read More

SmartV - Session Expiry Action

Control what happens when a user session on your webpage expires. Read More

Ranking - Affect Elements' Conditions

Affect the items of the ranking element by configuring conditions in your project. Read More

Bug Fixes

Titan Web

Prior to file upload, there is now no icon appearing and disappearing on the Document Generation Settings user interface.

Submission actions are now correctly stored and do not produce console errors.

An error pertaining to the usage of external brackets for a Salesforce Get has now been corrected.

The mandatory field for the address finder widget, as well as relevant error messages, now operate optimally.

Two fixes were implemented on continual forms:

  • Buttons are now functioning on smaller devices, specifically the “Next” button navigates correctly.
  • The mapping step is now operating optimally.

The styling options for the Kanban widget have been successfully updated.

The Hover Modal now opens and closes correctly, and operates effectively across all elements.

An option has been added to YaadPay to ensure the user can pay fixed installments seamlessly.

The reset form option now works correctly on a repeated strip.

A number have fixes have been implemented on icon styling for the File Upload element.

A bug on the kebab icon of Document Generation Settings has been resolved.

We made a cosmetic UI change on the Stacked Side charts.

Collaborators on a project can now make changes to the Actions on a Salesforce Push/Get.

Titan Survey

On Hybrid Email surveys, the start slide is no longer missing for custom flows.

You can now correctly style images and colors for the finish slide on a Hybrid Email Survey.

Titan Docs

There was a bug with Get conditions on the Microsoft Word Add-In. This has been resolved.

Titan CLM

Signers are now auto-tracked during the CLM process. This complements the tracking of CLM collaboration.

Titan Sign

Previously, an interactive field was missing from a Sign document when launched via instant URL. This has been resolved.

A “custom from name” now displays correctly in emails sent via Salesforce.

The company signature was either missing or appearing in the incorrect format on finalized documents. This has been fixed.

Hidden Title