December 9th, 2022

New Features

Titan Web

Configure External Look Up

  • Configure custom settings for external lookup fields. Read More

Titan Survey

Create Email Submit Actions

  • Customers can create custom Submit Actions for Email and Hybrid surveys. Read More

Titan Docs

New and improved Document Preview in Salesforce

  • It is now possible for customers to preview dynamic documents in Salesforce faster and more seamlessly. This new innovation is still a beta feature. Customers who wish to trial this feature can contact Titan support directly.

Bug Fixes

Titan Web

The redirect functionality on Custom Ellipsis didn’t open the modal where expected. It will now open in the middle of the screen.

The show/hide column conditions on a power table with a subheader didn’t execute the conditions as configured. Our team fixed this.

The Submit and Cancel buttons were still displayed even when the On Submit Action and On Close Action toggle switches were off. We made changes, and these buttons will no longer be displayed if the actions are off.

The list table element didn’t change when the project’s theme was changed to Vegan. This was fixed.

We fixed a bug that occurred when setting an index on a ranking element.

We made a cosmetic User Interface change on the Styling screen for some elements.

The legends on chart styling now display optimally.

There was a bug on conditions for Power table reports. This has been fixed.

When styling a continual form on the project level, irrelevant font options have been removed.

Modals were not opening correctly on embedded projects. This issue has been resolved.

All issues with file upload variants have been resolved.

Titan Team resolved an issue where saving conditions as a rule did not work.


Updated the clear filter Power table issue. All filters are now cleared when selecting the Reset Filters option.

Previously, it was impossible to add an iFrame as a Power table sub-component. This is now resolved.

We resolved User Interface bugs on Site Menus Settings.

The default user tip for the checkbox element now works effectively.

Added a wrap text option for the Table and List views.

We added info links for the External Lookup, API Keys ABN and NZBN, output format PDF from Merge Files node.

We added info inks to the Delete Method in Submission and to the Session Expire Action in User Access.

We added info links to the Update Submission, Multiple Access Control.

Fixed several features for Power tables with input fields.

Titan Forms

The Add an Image screen could not be accessed as it was behind the Save template screen when adding an image during the Save a Template action on Forms. We fixed this.

Titan Survey

The Add an Image screen could not be accessed as it was behind the Add Email Element screen when adding an image to a header or footer on a survey. We fixed this.

Minor updates were made to .

Fixed a number of styling bugs in Email Survey elements.

The min/max labels on a rating scale now display on email surveys.

Titan Docs

The Digital Signature options, under Document Generation settings, now display correctly.

Titan CLM

Use hidden fields in your Sign or CLM project. You can add Salesforce information in a hidden field that will be displayed to the user.

Titan Sign

Improved the user experience. Added zoom options when reviewing the document. Updated icons in the top ribbon and sidebar. The start sign icon displays how far the user is in the signing process with navigation buttons.

One or more of the signature fields were not appearing on Sign projects. This is fixed.

Titan Platform

Salesforce profiles and Permission sets are now correctly saved after a task is finished.

Bugs on the Edit Editor checkboxes have been fixed.

Hidden Title