Use Folders

Business Background

You can add and search for folders. Search for your projects and folders more efficiently in a few clicks.

Titan Solution

It used to be only possible to filter or search for a project. This new feature allows more options to organize, find and manage projects using folders. Clients with many projects across multiple departments can manage projects more efficiently.

How to Video

Coming soon.

How to Guide

  • There are no default folders available. You need to create at least one folder.
  • Projects could be assigned to more than one folder.
  • You can add subfolders to folders.

You can do the following:

Create new folders

  1. Make sure that you are on the Dashboard.
  2. Click the Kebab menu of an existing project. The context menu opens.
  3. Click the Manage Folders option. The Manage Folders screen opens.
Manage Folders option
Manage Folders option
  1. Click the + New Folder folder option. The New Folder Name screen opens.
Manage Folders screen
Manage Folders screen
  1. Type a folder name in the New Folder Name pop-up.
  2. Click the Save icon. 
New Folder Name pop-up
New Folder Name pop-up

The folders are added at the top of the list on the left side of the Dashboard.

Folders on Dashboard
Folders on Dashboard

A project will have a label with the folder name to which it was assigned. Multiple folder names are listed together, separated with a comma if the project is in more than one folder.

Example of a folder on the Titan dashboard.

Manage existing folders

  1. Click the Kebab menu of an existing project. The context menu opens.
  2. Click the Manage Folders option. The Manage Folders screen opens.
Manage Folders option
Manage Folders option
  1. Use the drop-down list and select an existing folder.
Manage Folders screen
Manage Folders screen
  1. Click the Save button.
Manage Folders screen
Manage Folders screen
  1. Click the All option under Folders. All the folders are displayed.
Folders on Dashboard
Folders on Dashboard
  1. Click on the Show more option to see all the folders.

A folder only exist as long as there are projects linked to that folder.

  1. Use the Search functionality to search for folders and projects.
Search Functionality for folders.
Search Functionality

When a project is cloned, the cloned project will be in the same folder as the parent project.

Add subfolders to existing folders

  1. Click on a folder to open it.
  2. Click the Create New Folder option. The New Folder Name screen opens.
Create New Folder option
Create New Folder option
  1. Type a folder name in the New Folder Name pop-up.
  2. Click on the Save icon. 
New Folder Name pop-up
New Folder Name pop-up

The subfolder is added under the selected folder.


You can add projects to the subfolder.

  1. Select the projects you want to add.
  2. Click the Kebab icon and select the Manage Folders option. The manage Fodlers screen opens.
Manage Folders option
Manage Folders option
  1. Use the drop-down list and select the subfolder that you added.
Select subfolder
Select subfolder
  1. Click the Save button.
Manage Folder screen
Manage Folder screen

The project is added to the subfolder.

Project in subfolder
Project in subfolder

Use the arrow to open the list of subfolders.

Open subfolders
Open subfolders

Rename a folder

  1. Select the folder and click the Kebab icon. The Rename Folder Name screen opens.
Folder Kebab icon
Folder Kebab icon
  1. Type a new name in the field and click the Save icon.
Rename Folder Name screen
Rename Folder Name screen

The folder name has been changed.

Example of a renamed folder.

Remove a project from a folder

  1. Open the folder and click the Kebab icon of the project that you want to remove from the folder.
  2. Click the Manage Folder option. The manage Folder screen opens.
Manage Folder option
Manage Folder option
  1. Click the Clear option. The project is removed from the folder.
Clear option for removing folders.
Clear option

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