Tracker – Direction

Business Background

Use the Direction drop-down to display the tracker contents vertically or horizontally. The horizontal direction works well for mobile device layouts.

How to Video

Coming Soon!

How to Guide

  1. Click the icon to open the list of elements.
  2. Select the Widget option from the list.
  3. Drag-and-drop the tracker widget to the canvas.
  4. Click the Tracker Gear icon to open the Tracker Settings screen.
  5. Use the Direction drop-down list to select the direction in which the tracker widget’s contents will be displayed.
Direction drop-down list
Direction drop-down list
  1. Save and Preview the project.
  2. Compare vertical (left) and horizontal (right) differences in the expanded state. The following are different:
    • Title position in terms of the progress bar
    • Collapse icon
    • Progress bar
  1. Compare vertical (left) and horizontal (right) differences in the collapsed state:
  2. Click the icons to expand the widget.

Hidden Title

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