Resize Active Step

Business Background

The Resize Active Step option is available for the multi-stepper container. The container will resize according to the contents on the step.

How to Video

  • Coming soon!

How to Guide

  1. Click the + icon above the Settings Gear icon in Titan Web. A list of elements will show.
  2. Select the Container option from the list.
  3. Click-and-drag the Multi-step container to the canvas.
Multi-step container
Multi-step container
  1. Add elements to the multi-step container.
  2. Click the Settings Gear icon. The Multi Step Settings screen opens.
  3. Select the Interactivity option.
    • The Resize Active Step checkbox is selected by default.
    • That means that the container will resize according to the contents on the step.
Resize Active Step checkbox
Resize Active Step checkbox
  1. Click the Resize Active Step checkbox to deselect the option. The multistep container will not adjust to the contents on the step.

In this example, the option on the right has the Resize Active Step disabled.

Resize Active Step checkbox off example
Resize Active Step checkbox off example

The multistep container on the left resizes to fit the content on a step, whereas the container on the right remains the same size for all the steps.


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