
Business Background

The Persistent option is available for the Custom Drawer element. Use this option to keep the drawer open by default.

How to Video

  • 0:01 Introduction.
  • 0:47 We show you how to enable Persistent in the drawer.

How to Guide

  1. Navigate to Titan Web Application.
  2. Click the expand (+) button next to the settings icon. A list of elements will show.
  3. Select the Containers element option from the list.
  4. Drag and drop the Custom Drawer element option to the canvas.
  5. Click the Custom Drawer element settings Gear icon. The Custom Drawer Settings screen opens.
Persistent checkbox
Persistent checkbox
  1. Click the Persistent checkbox to add the drawer to the page as a persistent feature. The default is to have the persistent effect off.

The drawer is now a part of the page and will not close. The rest of the contents on the page move to the right of the screen to accommodate the drawer on the left.

  1. Click in the Cut Strip content checkbox to cut the content that was placed in the grey strip of the web page when the page is live. If the option is off (unchecked), the contents will be shown on the web page.
Cut strip content on
Cut strip content on
  1. Click the Fixed checkbox. The drawer will be fixed to the top of the webpage and will not scroll with the rest of the page.
Fixed checkbox
Fixed checkbox

Hidden Title

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