No File Label

Business Background

Use the No File Label to easily customize displayed text when a file has not been uploaded yet, in just a few clicks with Titan Web. The No File Label option is available on the File Upload element. This option indicates there are no attachments or uploaded files available.

How to Video

  • 0:02 An introduction to the No Files Label.
  • 0:35 Navigate to Index Settings.
  • 0:41 We show you how to change the No Files Label.
  • 0:54 Preview the updated project.

How to Guide

  1. Select the expand (+) icon next to the settings icon in Titan Web. A list of elements will show.
  2. Select the Input option from the list.
  3. Select and drag the File Upload element to the canvas.
  4. Select the File Upload settings Gear icon. The File Upload settings screen opens. The Content list is shown by default.
No Files Label option screen
No Files Label option
  1. If necessary, change the “No Files” text in the field; for instance, you can change it to No Video Files if the attachment should contain a video.

When the user uploads a file, the label will change and it will show the number of files attached. See the example below.

Uploaded file example screen
Uploaded file example

Hidden Title

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