File Upload – Preview Files

Business Background

Preview the uploaded files before pushing to Salesforce.

Titan Solution

The file upload element has the option to preview the files that a user uploaded.

How to Video

Coming soon.

How to Guide

  1. Select the + icon to open the list of elements.
  2. Under Input, drag-and-drop the File Upload element to the canvas.
File Upload element
File Upload element
  1. Save and Preview the project.
Save and Preview (image edited)
Save and Preview (image edited)
  1. Choose files to upload. In this example, the following files were uploaded:
    • Excel spreadsheet
    • Word document
    • JPG image
    • PDF document
  2. Select the Expand icon to display the list of attached files.
  1. Select the View icon next to a file. The following occurs:
    • Excel spreadsheet: the spreadsheet is downloaded and you can view the file.
    • Word document: the document is downloaded and you can view the file.
    • JPG image: the image opens in a File Preview screen to be viewed.
    • PDF document: the PDF opens in a File Preview screen to be viewed, downloaded and/or printed.

Hidden Title

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