Input Type Column in Power Tables

Business Background

Add an input type column to the power table in a few clicks with no code.

Titan Solution

  • You can add an input type column to the power table and configure it to suit your business needs.
  • You can add a button element to push the contents of the input element to Salesforce.

How to Video

Coming soon.

How to Guide



Add a power table to the Web project.

  1. Select a Salesforce source, for instance, Case.
  2. Add conditions, if necessary.
  3. Add mapping.
  1. On the Mapping screen, add a column.
  2. Select the drop-down list and select the Input option.
  3. Click the Configure Input button. The Configure Input screen opens.
  4. Use the drop-down list and select one of the following:
Mapping screen for the Input Type Column
Mapping screen
  • Use the drop-down list and select one of the following: Text, Text Area, or Currency.
    • Add the Placeholder and Default Value.
Configure Input screen - Text, TextArea or Currency
Configure Input screen – Text, Text Area, or Currency
  • Alternatively, use the drop-down list and select Checkbox.
    • Use the toggle switch to set the Default Value.
Configure Input screen - Checkbox
Configure Input screen – Checkbox
  • Alternatively, use the drop-down list and select Date.
    • Add the Placeholder and Default Value.
    • Use the drop-down list and select the Date Format.
Configure Input screen - Date
Configure Input screen – Date
  • Alternatively, use the drop-down list and select Time.
    • Add the Placeholder and Default Value.
    • Use the drop-down list and select the Time Format.
Configure Input screen - Time
Configure Input screen – Time
  • Alternatively, use the drop-down list and select DateTime.
    • Add the Placeholder and Default Value.
    • Use the drop-down list and select the Date Format.
    • Use the drop-down list and select the Time Format.
Configure Input screen - DateTime
Configure Input screen – DateTime
  • Alternatively, use the drop-down list and select Select or Multi Select.
    • Add the Placeholder.
    • Use the drop-down list and select an option from the List Mapping.
Configure Input screen - Select
Configure Input screen – Select
  1. Click the Apply button.
  2. Type a column name if necessary.
Mapping screen
Mapping screen

The column is added to the power table.

Power table in web project with Input Type Column
Power table in web project
  1. Save and Preview the project.
Example of Input Type Column in Power Table

The input element is added to the column where you configured it. The user can add a comment in the Comments column, and when they select a button (for instance, to update an account or contact), a Salesforce push will be created if you configured it.

You can allow the user to edit other columns in the power table:

  1. Click the Gear icon to open the Power Table Settings screen.
Power Table with Input Type Column Settings screen
Power Table Settings screen
  1. Under Content, click the Edit Mapping button.
  2. Use the Kebab icon next to the column to open more options.
  3. Use the toggle switch to set Allow Edit on.
Allow Edit Toggle
Allow Edit Toggle
  1. Click the Apply button.
  2. Save and Preview the project.
  3. Use the drop-down list to change the priority in this example.
Example of Granting User Access to Edit Column
Example of Granting User Access to Edit Column

The user can change the priority, add a comment in the Comments column, and a Salesforce push will be created when they select the Create Account button.


When a user changes information in the power table and there is a Salesforce Push, only the lines where the input field was changed will be created or updated in Salesforce.

Hidden Title

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