Filter Date Range

Business Background

A power table is a beautiful and efficient way to show a lot of complex data. Filtering the data in an effective manner adds to the advantages for your business.

Titan Solution

Titan Web lets you filter a power table according to a specific date range.

How to Video

Video Coming Soon!

How to Guide



  1. Add a power table.
  2. Make sure that the power table has a column with date-related data.

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  1. Select the Gear icon of the power table. The Power Table Settings screen opens.
Power Table Settings screen
Power Table Settings screen
  1. Under Interactivity, scroll down and select the Allow Filtering checkbox. The Custom Filters drop-down list is added.
  2. Use the Columns Filter drop-down list to select the date-related option you added, for instance, Created Date. You can add multiple columns to be filtered. A check mark is added next to a selected column.
Allow Filtering
Allow Filtering
  1. Under Columns, select the Gear icon next to the date-related column. The Columns Settings screen opens.
Power Table Settings screen
Power Table Settings screen
  1. Use the drop-down list to change the format of the date. The default is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:sss 000+0000.
  2. Select the Filter by checkbox and select the Gear icon. The Configure filter screen opens.
Columns Settings screen
Columns Settings screen
  1. Use the UI Control drop-down list to select the Date Range option and select the Apply button.
Configure filter screen
Configure filter screen
  1. Close the Columns Settings screen.
  2. Save and Preview the project.
  3. Select the Calendar icon. The Filter Date Range screen opens.
Table on web page
Table on web page
  1. Use the relevant tools described in the table to select a start and end date.
Number LabelDescription
1 TodaySelect this option to search today.
2 YesterdaySelect this option to search yesterday.
3 This WeekSelect this option to search this week.
4Last WeekSelect this option to search last week.
5This MonthSelect this option to search this month.
6Last MonthSelect this option to search last month.
7days up to todayAdd a number in the field to search the number of days up to today. For instance, 40 days will search 40 days into the past, starting today.
8day starting todayAdd a number in the field to search the number of days from today. For instance, 40 days will search 40 days into the future, starting today.
9From Month tabSelect this tab to choose the start date.
10Month Back arrowSelect the back arrow to move one month into the past with each selection.
11Month selector Use the drop-down list to select a month.
12Year selector Use the drop-down list to select a year.
13Month Forward arrow Select the forward arrow to move one month into the future with each selection.
14To Month tabSelect this tab to select the end date.
15DaySelect a day in the calendar to select it.
Filter Date Range screen description
  1. Select the Apply button. The filter is applied to the table, and only the relevant results will be shown.
Filter Date Range screen
Filter Date Range screen

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