Do Not Track IP Address

Business Background

Be compliant with the European Union’s data protection law.

Titan Solution

Make sure your surveys are GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant in a few simple clicks.

How to Video

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How to Guide

As part of GDPR compliance, we added the option not to store the IP addresses of survey takers. When you activate this option, the IP address of the survey taker is not recorded in Salesforce.

  1. Click the Gear icon to open the Project Settings.
  2. Click the Survey option.
  3. Click the Gear icon next to the Push Options option. The Push Settings screen opens.
Push Options
Push Options

The Do Not Track IP Address option is off by default.

  1. Use the toggle switch to enable the option to not track an IP address.
  2. Click the Apply button.
Do Not Track IP Address
Do Not Track IP Address

The IP address of the survey taker is not recorded in Salesforce.

Hidden Title

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