Sign Wizard in Flow

Business Background

Configure and design the Sign Wizard and launch it from a Salesforce screen flow.

Titan Solution

Use Titan Flow to auto-populate all signers from a Salesforce flow. The flow uses a file that exists in Salesforce in a .docx format. After the flow is triggered, the sign wizard screen displays on Salesforce, and the user can launch the re-defined Sign process. The flow is important to set predefined signers.

How to Video

  • 0:02 Introduction to Sign Wizard in Flow.
  • 0:19 We show you how to add the Titan Sign Wizard Action.
  • 1:13 Learn about the value of adding a Flow.
  • 4:30 Saving the flow.
  • 5:46 We show you how to populate resources.
  • 6:52 Dive into creating get records.

How to Guide


Use a single .DOCX file.

The Titan Flow will work with files that exist in Salesforce.

  1. Use the Gear icon in Salesforce to open Setup.
  2. Search for “flow” and click on the Flows option.
  3. Click the New Flow button.
Salesforce Setup for Flows
Salesforce Setup
  1. Click the Screen Flow option and click the Create button.
Screen Flow to Access Sign Wizard
Screen Flow
  1. Click the + icon on the Flow Builder.
Flow Builder to access Sign Wizard
Flow Builder
  1. Select the Action element from the Add Element list.
Add Element list to access Sign Wizard
Add Element list
  1. Search for “sign” and click the TITAN Sign Wizard option from the Action list.
Titan Sign Wizard
Titan Sign Wizard
  1. Add the variables:
    • recordid (Text)fileids (Text, collection)
      • The record ID stores the ID of ContentVersion / attachment, which can be a single DOCX FILE.
    • Signers (Apex-Defined, collection, Class: Form_Builder__TitanSignWizardUserStructure)
    • Signer (Apex-Defined, Class: Form_Builder__TitanSignWizardUserStructure)
  1. Define the signers in Apex Defined variables:
signer > EmailMandatory
signer > FirstName
signer > LastName
  1. Type a Label. The Flow API Name is automatically completed based on the Label.
  2. Type Sign in the Wizard Type field.
  3. Use the toggle switches to switch on and populate the following:
    • files or attachment ids: these are the files that will be added as part of the process.
    • Record Id: this is the record ID from where the document will be triggered.
    • signers: these are the people who must sign the document.
  4. Click the Done button. The action is added to the Flow Builder.
New Action with Sign Wizard
New Action

Use the toggle switch to switch on the Email templateid if you want use your own email template and not the default email.

  1. Click the Save button. The Save the flow screen opens.
Sign Wizard in the Flow Builder
Flow Builder
  1. Type a Flow Label. The Flow API Name is automatically completed based on the Flow Label.
  2. Click the Save button.
Save the flow screen for Sign Wizard.
Save the flow screen

When the Screen Flow is triggered, the Titan Sign Wizard will skip to the Configure step.

Configure document with Titan Sign Wizard

Hidden Title

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