Custom Object: Survey Distribution

What does this Custom Object do?

This custom object enables isolating a single distribution per survey.

API Name


Page Layout

Survey Distribution Layout

Custom Fields

LabelAPI KeyData TypeFunctionality
Base Pixel HashTitanSurvey__Base_Pixel_Hash__cText(255)Pixel Hash
CommentsTitanSurvey__Comments__cText Area(255)Distribution comments
Distribution MethodTitanSurvey__Distribution_Method__cPicklistThe method of distribution:
– Email
– Shared Link
– Whatsapp
Object IDTitanSurvey__Object_ID__cText(64)ID of the object you want to send.
Object NameTitanSurvey__Object_Name__cText(255)Name of the object you want to send.
Object TypeTitanSurvey__Object_Type__cPicklistType of the object you want to send:
– Report
– List View
– Object
– SF Automation
– Mail
Scheduled ForTitanSurvey__Scheduled_For__cDate/TimeScheduled time of distribution
Scheduled Job IdTitanSurvey__Scheduled_Job_Id__cText(36)Scheduled ID of Job
StatusTitanSurvey__Status__cPicklistDistribution Status
Submitter EmailTitanSurvey__Submitter_Email__cEmailEmail of survey submitter
SurveyTitanSurvey__Survey__cMaster-Detail (Survey)Master-Detail (Survey)
Survey Distribution NameNameAuto Number
Taker Email Field NameTitanSurvey__Taker_Email_Field_Name__cText(255)Field API name of the taker email
Taker ID Field NameTitanSurvey__Taker_ID_Field_Name__cText(255)Field API name of the taker record ID
Titan Dist FilterTitanSurvey__Titan_Dist_Filter__cLong Text Area(32768)Distribution Filter
WorkFlowIdTitanSurvey__WorkFlowId__cText(36)Unique WorkFlowId

Hidden Title

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