Mandatory Signature for Document Generation
Business Background
Mandating a signature is a foolproof method for organizations and institutions to guarantee that an individual has fully comprehended and consented to the provisions, requirements, or responsibilities of a document, agreement, or legal form. This ensures a legally binding and enforceable agreement among all concerned parties.
Titan Solution
You have the ability to set mandatory signatures and set a minimum percentage for the signature size. This ensures that the signer cannot simply make a small mark or a single dot.
How to Video
Coming soon.
How to Guide
- Configure a Doc Gen project with a signature field.
- Under Settings, open the Document Generation drop-down list.
- Open the Word mapping drop-down list and click the Configure button.
- Expand the Signature/Interactive section.
- Click the Mandatory signature checkbox.
- If necessary, click the Min required signature checkbox and add a number in the % filled field. One or two percent is sufficient.
- Click the Apply button and save the project.
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