Image Watermark

Business Background

Add a watermark to your documents.

Titan Solution

You can add a watermark to an image using Titan Flow.

How to Video

Coming soon!

How to Guide



Create custom file variables for that refer to the input and output files, for example:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-216-1024x806.png

  1. Click the + icon to add a node. The Add Node screen opens.
+ icon
+ icon
  1. Under Images, select the Watermark option and click the Next button. The Add Node/Image Watermark screen opens.
Image Watermark option
Image Watermark option

The following fields are mandatory:

  • File In
  • Watermark Text
  • Font Size
  • Color
  • File Out
  1. Use the drop-down list to select the file in variable.
  2. Use the Watermark Text drop-down list to select one of the options:
    • Static: Type a static width in the field.
    • Field: Use the drop-down list to select a variable.
  3. Use the Font Size drop-down list to select one of the options:
    • Static: Type a static width in the field.
    • Field: Use the drop-down list to select a variable.
  4. Use the Color drop-down list to select one of the options:
    • Static: Type a static width in the field.
    • Field: Use the drop-down list to select a variable.
  5. Use the Opacity drop-down list to select one of the options:
    • Static: Type a static width in the field.
    • Field: Use the drop-down list to select a variable.
  6. Click in the block to select the position.
  7. Use the Rotation slider to set the rotation.
  8. Use the drop-down list to select the file out variable.
Add Node/Image Watermark screen
Add Node/Image Watermark screen
  1. Click the Next button.
  2. Type a tag name if necessary and click the Insert button. The node is added.

Hidden Title

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