File Type

Business Background

Use the File Type function to restrict the types of files that a user can upload with Titan Web. The File Type option is available on the File Upload element. Users cannot upload files with a different type than you specified.

How to Video

  • Coming soon!

How to Guide

  1. Select the expand (+) icon next to the settings icon in Titan Web. A list of elements will show.
  2. Select the Input option from the list.
  3. Select and drag the File Upload element to the canvas.
  4. Select the File Upload settings Gear icon. The File Upload settings screen opens. The Content list is shown by default.
  5. Select the File Types checkbox. A field is added.
  6. Type the file types in the field, each separated by a comma. The user will only be able to upload files corresponding to the types you specified.
File Types
  1. Select the Extension validation checkbox to validate the file extensions added.
    • If, for instance, a PDF file was saved with a .docx extension, the Extension validation will prevent this file to be pushed to Salesforce.

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