
Business Background

The Answers option is available on the Matrix element. This assists in saving space when creating surveys. Group similar answers into one, and make it easy for users to provide information that syncs with Salesforce.

How to Video

  • 0:02 An introduction to the Matrix Element and Answers.
  • 0:35 We show you hw to configure the Matrix Answer Settings.
  • 1:28 Learn what the Matrix was designed for.
  • 3:15 Configuring your Answers.
  • 4:08 We show you how the newly configured Answers work.
  • 4:45 Learn how to configure the Salesforce action.

How to Guide

  1. Select the expand (+) icon next to the settings icon in Titan Web. A list of elements will show.
  2. Select the Survey option from the list.
  3. Select and drag the Matrix element to the canvas.
  4. Select the Matrix settings Gear icon. The Matrix  Setting screen opens. The Content list is shown by default.
Edit Mapping option screen
Edit Mapping option
  1. Select the Answers Edit Mapping option. The Configure Items screen opens.
Configure Items screen
Configure Items screen
  1. Type the answers in the Label and Value fields.
  2. Select the Apply button.

Hidden Title

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