Survey Limits

Business Background

Using Titan Survey, you can set the survey limits in case you need the survey to be available for a specific period, for instance, if you use the survey as a test or exam. The survey will only be available for the specified period.

Titan Solution

  • There are different ways to set survey limits.
  • Submissions per taker, specify the number of times the survey can be taken.
  • Survey Availability specifies from and to which date the survey will be available.
  • Survey Time Limit set the timer limit in seconds; the timer will start counting when the user starts the survey.

How to Video

Coming Soon

How to Guide

  1. Click the Settings gear icon.
  2. Click the Survey options.
  3. Use the Survey Limit toggle switch to enable it.
  4. Click the Gear icon. The Survey Limit screen shows.
    Survey Limit Gear icon
    Survey Limit Gear icon
    1. For more information about different survey limit functionalities, use the links below:
    Survey Limit screen
    Survey Limit screen

    Hidden Title

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