November 10th, 2023

Bug Fixes

Titan Web

There was a bug when configuring parameters for a dynamic flow with an environment variable. Our team fixed it.

Our team fixed a bug that was associated with the custom focus functionality. We also updated the information link for Custom Focus on the Project Settings > Site Elements.

We made improvements to the responsive modal. You can now copy and paste elements between strips.

Web push notifications didn’t work correctly on the Safari browser. Our team fixed this issue.

Our team resolved a bug where the size of containers affected the position of multi-step containers.

There were issues that affected the My Submissions functionality. The Preview file option didn’t work as expected, and a file submission wasn’t pushed to Salesforce. We fixed these.

We fixed an issue where fields that were deleted by removing rows in a form would sometimes produce Ghost fields.

We improved the responsiveness on large projects.

The pagination controls on power tables in an LWC project didn’t display in the correct position. Our team fixed this.

A mandatory file upload element on a repeated strip didn’t validate correctly. This was fixed.

It was not possible to map links in a form when the form was in a custom or a responsive modal. Our team resolved this issue.

When configuring a date, time, or date/time input in a column on a power table, an error occurred. This was fixed.

Our team fixed a translation error where the close icon (X) on a modal wasn’t translated correctly.

Every Salesforce Push and Get that is submitted using a Submissions action flow will count as an API call.

We added the following Charge parameters to Stripe payments.

  • charge_info” – JSON of charge
  • charge_info_id” – charge ID
  • charge_info_source” – payment method details JSON
  • charge_info_source_last4
  • charge_info_source_exp_year
  • charge_info_source_exp_month

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-87.png

Titan Sign

We improved the Accessibility functionality so that the focus will automatically be on the Finish Sign button when all the fields have been completed.

An error occurred when selecting the File Attachments option under Document Submit in the Sign project builder. Our team fixed this.

Titan Ecommerce

We added a warning message that shows when no payment processor has been selected. At least one and a maximum of four processors must be selected.

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Titan Platform

Archived submissions can be auto-truncated for up to seven days.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-123.png

Hidden Title