June 16th, 2023

Bug Fixes

Titan Web

We made an enhancement to ensure that only positive integers greater than one and smaller than 100 are used when using the “Ensure Fill Value” for mandatory signatures.

We added the option to delete a custom theme using the Kebab icon.

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Please take note that the Actions option is not available for projects created after the 1st of May, 2023.

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A subcomponent in a power table didn’t display the correct information when the quick update option was used. We fixed this.

It was not possible to add a global variable to a personalized header for SAP. This was fixed.

We made a cosmetic UI change on the Project Versions screen.

When mapping multiple addresses on a map with no On Click Action and clicking on one of the pins on the previewed map, a bug occurred, and all the pins disappeared. We fixed this.

Our team fixed the address finder widget icon that inexplicably shrank.

Hide onload functionality and a condition based on the index of the autofit container didn’t work as expected. This was fixed.

We fixed a bug where the condition on a repeat strip wasn’t working correctly.

The custom theme didn’t affect the button of the search element. We fixed this.

A section in a strip with a container that had multiple columns couldn’t be resized on smaller device layouts. Our team fixed this.

We fixed a bug that occurred when opening a page modal inside a page modal with dynamic device sizes.

When configuring a Stripe Plaid payment integration with a disabled child Salesforce push, an error occurred. Our team resolved this.

Titan Survey

Titan accounts with two or fewer projects will be shown a short “Intro to Web/Email Survey” video when a new web or email project is created. There will also be a “Take a quick course” button linked to the same video.

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Titan Sign

When publishing a Word add-in template to Titan Sign, the Titan tags in the template changed names. Our team fixed that.

When triggering a Sign action from the FT Document Generation button in Salesforce on a mobile device, the opened modal didn’t display correctly. Our team fixed this.

The Finish Sign button on the bottom of the page shouldn’t show when documents are previewed. We fixed this bug.

The condition on a field didn’t work as expected. Our team fixed it.

The dynamic fields on a document moved when a user changed a downloaded document and uploaded it again. This was fixed.

A signer section inside a section didn’t show the signature field when the document was generated. This was fixed.

Titan Platform

We fixed a bug that occurred when folders and subfolders were deleted.

You can now access the license upgrade screen via a URL link.

We enhanced the password recovery process. Users will be able to use a password of up to 64 characters.

We made a cosmetic UI fix on the Settings > Logs > Parent Logs screen. When the Titan CS Team logs in, the message incorrectly stated that support permission was granted for 48 hours instead of five days.

We fixed a bug that occurred when Titan Sign and Form projects were deleted from a folder.

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