February 3rd, 2023

Bug Fixes

Titan Web

The Toast layout action was automatically dismissed even when this option was not selected for the toast. This bug was fixed.

The action set on an element overrides the toast settings on the project level.

We fixed a bug in the spreadsheet widget.

There was a bug on elements with a field mask that contained a “-“ or “__” character where text could not be deleted as expected. This was fixed.

The modal container didn’t resize as expected. Our team fixed this.

When decreasing the size of a modal container, you will now see the pixel size as you drag the modal smaller.

The form interactivity on a modal didn’t work as expected. Our team fixed this.

We marked the Supplier ID field on the required payment configuration for Tranzila payments as mandatory. This was a cosmetic UI change.

We marked the Terminal Number and the Password Authentication fields on the required payment configuration for Yaad payments as mandatory. This was a cosmetic UI change.

We marked the PayPalID or Email (Seller) field on the required payment configuration for PayPal payments as mandatory. This was a cosmetic UI change.

We fixed a bug in power tables where a custom value from other fields did not work.

We fixed a bug that occurred when the SmartV – After Login had several redirect nodes.

The Undo/Redo buttons on the project builder didn’t work correctly. This was fixed.

We fixed a number of bugs in the form element.

There was a bug on power tables where the class styling was not visible when the project was published. This was fixed.

Our team fixed a bug that occurred on the hover modal.

We added “docx” to the preview options on the Document Generation Settings.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-84.png

We added a 65-character limit to the email description when configuring email settings.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-85.png

When configuring the first email as a node, the email will be selected automatically. When multiple emails have been configured, you need to select the required email.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-86.png

The form validation on a hidden strip didn’t work correctly. Our team fixed this.

A repeated strip incorrectly added several empty spaces. Our team fixed this.

We fixed a bug on a power table where the increment and decrement action flows didn’t work as expected.

SmartV authentication emails can now be sent via Salesforce and not just Titan or SMTP.

The currency field on a repeated strip was not pushed to Salesforce. We fixed this.

We fixed the Move Up and Move Down options on the form element that didn’t work.

There was a bug that incorrectly duplicated an input field on the Salesforce Push mapping when a table was added to a form. Our team fixed this.

We fixed a cosmetic UI issue that occurred on some input fields that were disabled or marked as read-only.

We added a JS editor to the Custom Styles and Custom Head options under Project Settings > Tools.

When duplicating a page, the variables (static, system, JS, formula, string) are copied to the new page, but they are not connected to any rules.

We fixed a bug where a drop-down list didn’t close if no option was selected.

We removed the Mandatory message from Captions and the Mandatory checkbox from Interactivity for slider and range survey elements.

We made a cosmetic UI change on the styling screen for the search input button.

We removed the Min Value and Max Value fields from translation for the switcher element.

The Layer List didn’t respond as expected on big projects with many elements on the page. We improved the optimization.

We fixed a bug where the global variable for a submission was not saved correctly.

We made a cosmetic change to the way input elements on a form element display when their size is changed.

We made a cosmetic change to the way text elements on a form element display when their size is changed.

The drop-down menu for affected elements didn’t close as expected. Our team fixed this.

We fixed a bug where a file was not pushed to Salesforce from a nested push.

A lookup modal didn’t apply the selected option to the lookup field. This was fixed.

An error message was displayed when the site URL was used. We fixed this.

Titan Forms

We removed the Continual Form element from Forms 2.0.

Titan Survey

We fixed a spelling error on the Project Settings > Tools options.

Titan Docs

Line breaks were incorrectly added before and after sections in a Word template if no data was brought from Salesforce. Our team fixed this.

We fixed a bug that affected the Insert table functionality in Excel.

Titan Sign

Conditions didn’t run on a specific dynamic Sign project with interactive/document fields. Our team fixed this.

The date fields in an interactive document were mapped to an incorrect date. This was fixed.

The full name of the signature requester can now be prepopulated in the email template.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-83.png

Due to a bug, the owner could not access the Titan Sign Wizard in Salesforce. This was fixed.

When zooming in on some mobile devices, the page refreshed instead of zooming.

We added a confirmation message “Are you sure you want to refresh the document? Note: This will cause you to lose any data that was filled.”

Titan Platform

When deleting projects, the status label disappeared, and a user couldn’t delete projects according to the status. The status now remains visible.

Hidden Title