Custom Object: WorkFlow Field
WorkFlow Field
Used for Titan Flow. Flow nodes in a flow invocation are recorded onto this object.
API Name
Page layout
WorkFlow Field Layout
Custom fields
Label | API Name | Data Type | Functionality |
Field ID | Form_Builder__Field_ID__c | Text(64) | The field ID in Titan |
Field Type | Form_Builder__Field_Type__c | Text(64) | Type of field |
Field Value | Form_Builder__Field_Value__c | Long Text Area(32768) | The field value |
FieldID ProjectID | Form_Builder__FieldID_ProjectID__c | Text(200) (External ID) | The ID of the field and project |
Project ID | Form_Builder__Project_ID__c | Text(64) | The ID of the Project |
WorkFlow | Form_Builder__WorkFlow__c | Master-Detail(WorkFlow) | Master detail relation to WorkFlow, where WorkFlow is the parent |
Hidden Title
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