Custom Object: Survey Question

What does this Custom Object do?

This custom object holds details of survey questions.

API Name


Page Layout

Survey Question Layout

Custom Fields

LabelAPI NameData TypeFunctionality
Answer Range FromTitanSurvey__Answer_Range_From__cText(100)Start of answer range
Answer Range StepTitanSurvey__Answer_Range_Step__cText(100)The step of answer range
Answer Range ToTitanSurvey__Answer_Range_To__cText(100)End of answer range
NameNameText(80)Name of question
Question TitleTitanSurvey__Question__cText Area(255)Title of question
Required QuestionTitanSurvey__Required__cCheckboxIndicated whether this is a required question
SurveyTitanSurvey__Survey__cMaster-Detail(Survey)Survey Question
Titan QIDTitanSurvey__Titan_QID__cText(255)Titan Question ID
Titan QID TypeTitanSurvey__Titan_QID_Type__cText(100)Titan Question ID Type
Total ResponsesTitanSurvey__Total_Responses__cRoll-Up Summary (COUNT Survey Question ResponseTotal Question Answers
TypeTitanSurvey__Type__cPicklistQuestion Type:
– Free Text
– Multi Select
– Text
– Text Area
– Email
– Number
– Range
– Image Choice
– Yes/No
– Ranking

Hidden Title

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