Apex Class: TitanSignBulkInstantURL
When to Use this Apex Class?
The TitanSignBulkInstantURL is used when you want to generate an instant URL for a number of Titan Sign templates to be signed at one time. The URL will be saved to a field of your choosing on the triggering record. This class has an invocable method, which can be used by a flow.
What are the Relevant Input Parameters?
This Class has the following input parameters:
- formHash (string)
- formHash2 (string)
- recordid (ID)
- The api name of the field to save the TitanSign Bulk instant url (string)
- Url expiration in minutes (number)
Not Required:
- formHash3 (string)
- formHash4 (string)
- formHash5 (string)
Where can you access the formHash?
- Open any Titan Sign Project and follow the path Document> Settings> Document Access> select the Dynamic option> Salesforce Configuration.
- Select an object such as Account and choose APEX/ Process builder/ Flow
- Copy the ftFormHash:
- Navigate back to your Salesforce Flow, and paste the ftFormHash in the relevant field under a New Action for Form_Builder_TitanSignBulkInstantUrl. In order to add formHash2, simply repeat the same process in a different Titan Sign Project, and copy and paste the ftformHash into the appropriate field:
In order to access formHash3, formHash4, and formHash5, simply follow the process documented for formHash and formHash2.
What does this Apex Class Return?
This Apex Class returns a URL.
Does this Apex Class have any Limitations?
This Apex Class has the following limitations:
- The TitanSign Bulk instant url, must be a 1024 Long Text Area or more
Can this Apex Class be used by Titan Customers?
Yes, customers can interact with this.