
Business Background

The Banner Height is available for Survey elements. Use the Height option to create a custom height for banners and images when designing your projects.

How to Guide

Set the height for banners and images. This is configured in pixels.

  1. Click the Add Slide (+) icon in Survey.
  2. Select the Information Slide option from the Add Slide screen and click the Next button.
  1. Choose the Banner element from the Media list and select the Insert button.
  1. Choose the image from the Add an Image screen.
    • Choose an image that you have uploaded before.
    • Configure a Salesforce integration to get an image from Salesforce.
    • Upload an image from your computer.
    • Paste an image URL.
  2. Click the Apply button. The Banner Settings screen opens. The Content option is shown by default.
Add an Image screen
Add an Image screen
  1. Type the required height for the element in pixels.
Height field
Height field

Hidden Title

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