Surveys Activity This Week

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This dashboard panel shows all the survey activities for this week. The status is shown in the top right corner. The graph shows the Record Count on the Y-axis and the Survey name on the X-axis.

  1. Click the View Report (Surveys Activity This Week) link to open the report.
  1. Use the Filters at the top right of the report to filter the results as follows:
Surveys Activity This Week report
Surveys Activity This Week report
  • Show Me
  • Date Completed
  • Survey Taker: Created Date
  1. Scroll down on the report to see more information.
Surveys Activity This Week report scrolled down
Surveys Activity This Week report scrolled down
  1. Sort columns from A-Z or from Z-A by using the arrow on a column name.
  2. Click a link in a column to view more information.

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Hidden Title

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